Saturday, January 30, 2010

Burger Burghers...

Much has been said about burgers in our little hamlet over the past few weeks.  My suggestion on these pages not long ago that we add a whorehouse to the gateway, and that people would be so relieved to have a whorehouse instead of a Burger King, is starting to look pretty good, me thinks.

Of course, that piece was written tongue-in-cheek- although I am not sure if I should describe a whorehouse idea in that fashion...

Based upon the online comments on, the idea that having the Sacramento Bee do an article on the issue would somehow generate support for the BK opponents did not work out so well.

A suggestion came up yesterday that we have any signs out by the freeway posted on big nut boxes- now THAT would reflect the true history of signage here in Winters...

My personal opinion on the Burger King application will remain just that for now, and it will continue to do so indefinitely, as I may be called upon at some point to vote on the issue- and my final decision on the matter will not be fully formed until I have heard all of the testimony, and seen the application paperwork and any forthcoming reports.

However, as always, I am a big fan of facts and truth...

And one thing is crystal clear:  for every single person in this town that does not want a Burger King, there is at least one other person who wants one.

Furthermore, there are at least THREE OTHERS that want a Taco Bell.

They just love Taco Bell.  My friend Charley says Taco Bell is not Mexican food.  Ok, then it should be called Gringo Bell or Howlie Bell.

Do we see the fans of these places at Council Meetings?  No.  And, frankly, that segment of the opposition who have made this so personal, who have decided that you are either with them or you are the enemy, needs to ask themselves why...    

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