In a bit of cutting-edge social commentary, I was asked in an anonymous comment about my last entry, purportedly by a Board member relative, whether or not I talk to my family.
Clearly a descendant of Edward R. Murrow.
Of course I talk to my family- sometimes more than once a day.
I do not, however, talk to them about confidential City Council matters. They don't hear from me about those matters and they don't get to see any e-mails about them. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
You see, I was elected to the City Council, and my family was not. They were not put on the City Council to govern and set policy, to occasionally deal with confidential issues involving personnel, potential or actual litigation, or real estate matters. I was.
There is no legal exception that allows family to know about such things. It's on a need-to-know basis, and they don't need to know.
This is not a goddamn game, and the School Board is NOT supposed to be a frickin' Circus.
On last Tuesday's City Council Consent Calendar were a couple of items. One example: Item B "Police Lieutenant Job Classification and Salary Range (pp 6-12)".
Simple, right? Easy to understand, to know what it covers, and even what questions one might want to ask.
On the Consent Calendar for last Thursday night's School Board meeting: 6. Approve Personnel as Listed.
Sounds like teaching or job assignments, huh?
It was. A change of Principals at two of the schools.
Wow. Doesn't that seem like something that should have more explanation on an Agenda or Consent Calendar? Yes.
Why does it matter? It matters because people want to know what's going on. Most Boards and Councils do not duplicate the complete Agenda Packets when they are sending them out ahead of time. It's reasonable to do it that way, as it saves copying costs. But it also begs for complete descriptions of the Items listed, because there are no in-depth materials attached.
How would somebody know whether they want to go speak on Principal assignments with that description and no back-up materials? They would not.