Saturday, May 1, 2010

H.R. Huff 'n Puff

I had a visitor to my place last week.  Uninvited.  Unannounced.

I can't stand bullies.  By all accounts, he has been a bully his entire life.  He has also screamed at and bullied other School Board members and former Superintendent Dale Mitchell.  Of course, since School Board meetings are not televised, most people don't know that.

He tried to bully me.  That did not work out so well for him.  He apparently does not like what I have written on these pages.  Bummer.

I remained calm, and tried to keep him so, but unsurprisingly, was not successful.

He started waving his finger in my face.  I told him to keep it out of my face.  His reply: "I will stick my finger anywhere I want."

I then explained the facts of life to him.  It started with "If you tangle with me...".  He said "Is that right?"  I said "That's a fact."  And he ran off to the Police Department.

Funny thing, though.  He left the waving his finger in my face and the "If you tangle with me..." parts out of his story to them.

Oh, and the Restraining Order?  There isn't one- and there never was.  A lot of folks have been saying there is, including some School Board members, but it just ain't so.  Maybe all bullies are liars, too?

After I finished the first draft of this post, there was a segment on The Today Show about adult Bullies- which is probably an oxymoron.  I could have filled out the entire card, a blackout Bingo!

The Police Chief is correct;  I could have walked away.  But I didn't- and if I had it to do over again, the script would be the same.


  1. So someone went to YOUR house, then to the police and wanted a restraining order?
    How does that even make sense?

  2. Excuse me but when was the last you were on the school board? Why do you have so many opinions on something that you know nothing about. Stop harassing the school board because not only are they just elected citizens, they have families and friends and lives just as you do. How would you like it if you were presented with information and made an intelligent decision based on experience and rational only to have the entire city disown you and your loved ones? Would you appreciate it? would you stand up for what you believe in? Would you applaud the people who used to be close to you when they turn on you and flip you off?
    You sit on your computer desk ranting when the real issue is principals change all the time, people get laid off all the time, stop wasting energy and focus it on where it could be useful. Your middle aged and bored is what I feel grow up and learn about humanity.
    If someone spoke about your family and your decision online in a blog wouldn't you defend yourself?
    Oh wait do you even speak to your family? hmmm...

  3. An intelligent informed decision? See this is where there will be disagreement.

    You feel there have been personal attacks, yet your post is nothing but a personal attack. Really, go reread your post.

    Your comment is nothing but a call for pity. You want us to support a bad decision? That is not going to happen.

    A school board member went to someones home and misbehaved, then went whining to the police. Do you think that was appropriate?

  4. I think the spouse or close friend of a school board member(anonymous above?) has conveniently forgotten how George and his family must feel. He or she claims that family members are being "disowned," or "flipped off?" Really? George has lost his livelihood and had his reputation called into question. How would that feel?
    And the only time "principals change all the time," as the writer states, is when they are incompetent or wish to change jobs. No one in their right mind lets a principal go after 13 years of outstanding success, and with every single person on his staff begging for him to stay. If there were a valid reason for the board's decision, then George would have been fired on the spot, unanimously, and/or he would be in jail. Since that is definitely not the case, then the reason is personal, and now the board members must live with the consequences of their decision.

  5. I think that the 'anonymous' Board member who has posted above might stop to rethink the 'evidence' that he was presented with. Who did it come from? What was his/her motivation in presenting it? Could it have been presented in such a way as to create a desired impression? Did he/she have the experience and wisdom to make this judgment and lead others toward it? Did he/she present limited info that played into the well-known desires of parts of the Board to fire (NOT lay off) George? Who was playing whom here?

    Nobody should be harrassing anyone over this, but neither shouold everyone have to 'get over it' - the Board and the Superintendent have screwed up in a huge way and they should be reminded of it on a daily basis. They have been offered a reasonable compromise and they won't take it. And now apparently at least one of them can't take the heat.

  6. Sojourn R. Truth IVMay 5, 2010 at 12:12 PM

    For the record, I am in my 12th year as a City Councilman, and I sit all the way on the audience's left. I use this blog for a lot of things, but it has never been my intention to remain anonymous here in our little town. I have told people before on here who I am, but will do so as often as I need to.

    I often know what I am talking about. Not always, but often- after all, I am a husband and father to 4, so I am also often wrong.

    I got involved in this because some of my constituents asked me to do so.

    Family? I would NEVER involve my family in contentious issues like this. I stand by all my decisions, and all my votes. I don't need my wife in the front row because I made an unpopular decision. Some people in this town already think families of public employees and officials are fair game, and that only made it worse.

    George and I could not be further apart politically. That's not the point. I agreed to help out and advise as I could because there is a distinguished school pennant flying from the flagpole on Grant Avenue. What new direction are we looking to pursue?

    Intelligent decision? Had not at least three members of the Board made no secret of their desire to get rid of George since the day they arrived, you might be able to claim that- but you cannot.

    Board members are taking the criticism personally- and those that had a personal agenda made it so, and they are reacting accordingly.

    This is no longer just about George. It is about open government and open meeting laws, minutes of meetings that are miraculously revised, about making decisions in closed session, and not reporting them immediately afterward as required by law- and now it appears that they intentionally did not report their decision. It's about refusing to let people talk about Agenda items, again as required by law.

    How is it that family members of Board members are walking around saying that if we only knew the whole story, we would understand?

    First of all, that's slanderous. More importantly, though, how is it that family members know the "truth"? Father, mother, spouse- those are not folks that get to be in Closed Sessions, or that get to know what went on there.

    But, as I told the "visitor" several times- if you are so sure of everything that's been done, there is nothing to worry about from a review by an outside agency, if it happens, n'est pas?

  7. It is very low of you to treat fellow citizens in such a manner, considering your position as a City Councilmen.

  8. Yea, how dare you treat a belligerence asshole poorly!

  9. Anonymous, what does having to be on the City Council have anything to do with a personal opinion about the school board? Have you always agreed with the City Council's decision? Everyone has the right to agree or disagree with decisions made by public entities and the school board is just that....a public entity!! I don't agree with their decision to "not renew George's contract" and that is my right however I do not go their homes to verbally attach them as is what happened to this city council member. It just goes to show that civility is absent from most of the school board members while sitting on the board and apparently is absent with this school board member in his personal life! This decision the school board is NOT going to go away, will NOT be swept under the rug until the decision is reversed or some board members resign.

  10. We do not all have to agree on everything....but we should all agree on the difference between Right and Wrong. I think it speaks volumes when so many "uncommon" people can unite for the common good of our students. I am proud of each and every person that has stood up against the boards decision to terminate George Griffin.

  11. I happen to be an outspoken member of the community, on this particular issue at least. My son is good friends with two board members children. While I have attended meetings, spoken before the board, and written letters, I do not feel animosity towards any one board member or their families. In fact, I went to lunch with one just last week. I am sorry if the board members feel like they are being shunned by their friends. I would assume the frustration felt by so many in this community could be misinterpreted as dislike. The fact is the board never met with Principal Griffin, never consulted his staff and refuses to listen to the citizens of this town when they have offered up a winning solution. I fear the board feels like if they were to accept the solution to rehire Principal Griffin for a one year term, it would look as though they "lost". As it stands now, we all lose. This should not be about ego's but I'm afraid it certainly sounds like it is.

  12. It is funny that no one considers the good sized faction of the community who either support the decision or trust our school board members to make a good decision.

  13. Funny the good sized faction is being so publicly silent.

  14. That comment can go both ways...lets not forget those members of our community who have businesses, hold public office, or are simply afraid of retribution that disagree with the board but are not comfortable speaking publicly about it. I, personally have spoken with many many people who feel like I do.
